Monday, May 9, 2016

2016 Projects

Arts Projects in 2016

2016 has been a busy year so far! 

My first project for the year was with one of my favourite community groups, The Castle, Thornlie, this is a youth centre run by the City of Gosnells, run by Deb Ditchburn a brilliant youth worker.

The participants created 3D artworks from recycled bottles, newspapers etc. Unfortunately I was unable to get images of their finished artwork but here are a couple of my examples:

It's always fun to have an excuse to make another crazy artwork!
To that end... meet Leopold the Leopardine Moggie:

Following the Castle workshops I was fortunate to again be contracted by The Song Room  
to run projects in two schools:

North Parmelia Primary School:

Where I worked with a group of parents and staff to create a series of picture boards to be installed as an entry statement to the school:

They were a fun group to work with, their ideas for the content of the boards are inspiring and the  installed boards have added an inspiring and colourful entrance to the school grounds.

Leda Primary School:

I had a similar project at Leda Primary again with a group of parents, this group produced artworks which will be mounted on the walls of the school buildings:

Again a great bunch to work with, their ideas for the artwork are inspirational and empowering.

Town of Victoria park Art Season:

April school holiday workshops at the Victoria park Centre for the Arts

A series of ten workshops were run over the two weeks of the school holidays. These included production of a collaborative artwork for the garden of the Art Centre, this was created on Marine plywood and incorporated 3D elements made from plastic bottles:

The resulting artwork is 1.2 by 4.9 metres and has added vibrancy and colour to the garden.

The workshops were well attended and many amazing and inspiring 3D and 2D artworks were created!

It is always a joy to encourage people of all ages get in touch with their creative side!

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